Durban port as Transit hub

Durban port serving Southern and East Africa

Durban port is a key port that serves a number of African countries including:

Here is some useful information on transporting used vehicles from Durban to the following countries and cities:

  • Botswana – Gabarone
  • DR of Congo – Lubumbashi
  • Lesotho – Maseru
  • Malawi – Blantyre
  • Mozambique – Namaacha
  • Namibia – Windhoek
  • Swaziland – Mbabane
  • Zambia – Lusaka / Kitwe
  • Zimbabwe – Beit Bridge / Harare


In terms of the SADC regulations, cargo moving “In Bond” from South Africa to BLNS (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland) countries must be delivered to a Customs approved bonded facility.

REC Membership: SADC, SACU
Recommended drop-off point: Gabarone
Carriers per Week: 1
Transit Time in Days: 3

Recommended routing:


REC Membership: SADC, COMESA
Recommended drop-off point: Lubumbashi
Carriers per Week: 3
Transit Time in Days: 14

Recommended routing:
Durban>>Johannesburg>>Beit Bridge>>Tlokweng>>Chirundo>>Kasumbulesa>>Lubumbashi



In terms of the SADC regulations, cargo moving “In Bond” from South Africa to BLNS (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland) countries must be delivered to a Customs approved bonded facility.

REC Membership: SADC, SACU
Recommended drop-off point: Maseru
Carriers per Week: On request
Transit Time in Days: 2

Recommended routing:


REC Membership: SADC, COMESA
Recommended drop-off point: Blantyre
Carriers per Week: 3 
Transit Time in Days: 7

Recommended routing:


REC Membership: SADC
Recommended drop-off point: Maputo
Carriers per Week: 3
Transit Time in Days: 2

Recommended routing:


In terms of Mozambican regulations, all units destined for Maputo, must be delivered to either of the following Customs Yards. Please have your Clearing Agent indicate to which yard unit(s) should be consigned.

Frigo (Matola Cargo Terminal)
Estrada da Namaacha Km 5, Machava
Tel: 258 21 750502 / 751075

Av. FPLM, Bairro Ferroviario Mahotas
Gare Mercadorias, Maputo
Tel: 258 21461992 / 462196
In addition all Mozambican importers should be aware that a Pre-Shipment inspection is required to be carried out prior dispatch of the unit(s). In order for us to arrange, kindly advise us of your MOZ number. In the event that you do not have a MOZ number, this can be obtained from:

ITS (Intertek Services)
Av. De Angola , 2696, Maputo
Tel: 258 21467070/ 21415987


In terms of the SADC regulations, cargo moving “In Bond” from South Africa to BLNS (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland) countries must be delivered to a Customs approved bonded facility.

You should also be aware of the Namibian government ruling that no units in excess of 5 years of age can be imported into that country. Your clearing agent can advise you more specific detail in this regard.

REC Membership: SADC
Recommended drop-off point: Windhoek
Carriers per Week: 3
Transit Time in Days: 2

Recommended routing:


In terms of the SADC regulations, cargo moving “In Bond” from South Africa to BLNS (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland) countries must be delivered to a Customs approved bonded facility.

REC Membership: SADC, COMESA
Recommended drop-off point: Mbabane
Carriers per Week: On request
Transit Time in Days: 2

Recommended routing:


REC Membership: SADC, COMESA
Recommended drop-off points: Lusaka or Kitwe
Carriers per Week: Lusaka – 8; Kitwe – On request
Transit Time in Days: Lusaka – 7; Kitwe – 8

Recommended routing:
Durban>>Johannesburg>>Beit Bridge>>Chirundo>>Lusaka/Kitwe


REC Membership: SADC, COMESA
Recommended drop-off points: Beit Bridge or Harare
Carriers per Week: Beit Bridge – 2; Harare – 2
Transit Time in Days: Beit Bridge – 2; Harare – 7

Recommended routing:
Durban>>Johannesburg>>Beit Bridge>>Harare

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