Which vehicles you can import in South Africa
Importing cars is tightly controlled to protect the local vehicle manufacturing industry. It is still possible to import used cars, but buses, trucks, taxis and coaches are completely restricted for now.
used Vehicles can be brought in if:
- You are an Immigrant (cannot sell/rid car for 24 months minimum)
- You are physically disabled and need a specialty vehicle
- You are inheriting a car from someone dead (must prove)
- You are importing a vintage car (over 40 years old)
- You are importing a collectors car (must be internationally recognized as a collector’s car)
- You are importing a racing car on for circuit or track purposes only (must prove you are licensed racer)
- It is a specially designed vehicle (such as a mobile crane) that cannot be bought locally
- You are a returning SA resident or national (after 6 months min gone) bring in a personally import.
Things to note:
- You must have Import Permit from government.
- Import Permits are only forwarded to South African addresses.
- You can only import RHD, not any LHD vehicles unless with special consideration.
- You can’t import commercially
- Get authorization before purchasing any vehicle.
- An Imported Vehicle should be otherwise unavailable in SA.